Terms and Conditions

Welcome to wtfre.com and yourhgtv.com (known herein as “website”) which is owned and operated by Efficient Living, Inc. (known herein as “Efficient Living”, dba “EnergyRE”). Our goal is to provide our users access to the latest information and opinions relating to residential real estate products and/or services and its related links.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions as they govern the use of the website and apply to all internet traffic using it.

By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them. Do not use this website if you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions represent the entire agreement between Efficient Living, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, licensors, officers, providers or suppliers and you, the user. These Terms and Conditions will supersede any prior agreements or understandings regarding the use of this website and the content herein, either real or implied that the user may have had or thought to have had with Efficient Living and its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, licensors, officers, providers or suppliers.

If these Terms and Conditions change at any time, the currently posted Terms and Conditions will take precedence over any previously published works. By using the website after the posting of such modifications, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms and Conditions. Anyone choosing to access itsagoodinvesment.com or hgtvhacks.com from other locations or markets does so on their own initiative and will fully accept responsibility for the compliance of all laws (be they local, federal or foreign) to the extent these laws apply.

“wtfre.com” and “yourhgtv.com” are administered by Efficient Living from its offices in Charlotte, NC and as such, Efficient Living makes no representation that its content is appropriate or available for use in other locations or markets. Any action to enforce these Terms and Conditions or any other matters directly or indirectly related to this website shall be made in the courts, either state or Federal, located in and for Mecklenburg County, NC and you consent to the jurisdiction of these courts without fault.

Efficient Living reserves the right, in its discretion and as deemed necessary, to take the appropriate action for violations of our Terms and Conditions. This can include, but will not be limited to, the filing of criminal charges or civil actions and/or terminating the user’s access to the website. Efficient Living will fully cooperate with any and all law enforcement agencies or court orders requesting the information regarding any and all users of this website. Our Terms and Conditions are for the benefit of Efficient Living and its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, licensors, officers, providers or suppliers, all of whom will have the right to enforce these Terms and Conditions against any user for their specific benefit.

Efficient Living strictly prohibits the copying, modification, redistribution, sale, transmission or use of this website or its contents for any purposes other than research and business transactions with Efficient Living and its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, licensors, officers, providers or suppliers. You may not copy, distribute, download, exploit, post, reproduce or republish the contents of this website for profit in any way. However, you may print or copy the Content contained herein for your own, non-commercial, personal use.

As a condition to your use of our website, you will not unlawfully use wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com for any purpose prohibited by our Terms and Conditions, including the posting or transmitting of any defamatory, inflammatory, libelous, obscene, pornographic, profane or threatening material. Use of content from the websites on any other website or computer network for purposes other than personal, non-commercial use, violates the owner’s copyrights, service marks, trademarks and/or other proprietary rights and is prohibited.

You are prohibited from using wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com to gain unauthorized access to Efficient Living’s or any associated third-party computer systems or to interfere with another user’s enjoyment or utilization of this website. Users are also prohibited from imposing unreasonably large data loads on wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com’s infrastructure by using unsolicited e-mailing techniques such as “spam” or by any other means currently known or unknown. Emailing, posting, uploading or transmitting any content, information or proprietary rights protected by law or contract is prohibited.

Using any robot, spider or other automatic or manual device or process to copy, monitor or search wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com or its contents is also strictly prohibited. We do not allow the reverse engineering of any of the software or HTML making up any or all of this website in any way.

Additionally, all users agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the importing/exporting of data to/from the United States or any other country the user resides or does business.

Proprietary Rights

All content, considered intellectual or otherwise, is owned and administered by Efficient Living and/or its affiliates, third-party content providers and licensors. Content on this or any website owned, operated, licensed or controlled by Efficient Living and/or its affiliates, third-party content providers and licensors is provided solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not use any trademarks, service marks or copyrighted materials appearing on either website on any printed materials, web pages or communications of any kind. By accessing wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com, you acknowledge that the proprietary information and content on this website is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents and/or other proprietary and intellectual property rights and laws. These laws and rights are governed by U.S. and worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions, privacy and publicity laws, and communication regulations and statutes.

Third Party Links

Efficient Living does not grant to its users any rights regarding the use of linked websites. By accessing wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com, you acknowledge that Efficient Living is not directly or indirectly responsible or liable for any damage or loss caused or assumed to be caused by the use of any linked website or resource. The links to other websites found on wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com are provided for your convenience and information only and as such, you use these links at your own risk as Efficient Living has no control over them. The users of any linked websites found on wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com acknowledge that the linked sites are governed by their terms of use and policies, not ours. Efficient Living does not endorse and therefore accepts no responsibility for any advertising, content, products, or other materials on or available from linked websites or resources.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Efficient Living’s goal is to provide accurate and up-to-date material on this website, however, no warranties or representations regarding the contents of this material are being made or implied as the content herein is presented strictly for your convenience and information. Our website is presented on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Efficient Living disclaims any and all expressed or implied warranties.

Efficient Living makes no guarantees that our website will meet your requirements, will be error-free, secure, timely or uninterrupted. Further, Efficient Living makes no warranties that any resulting conclusions, be it business, monetary or personal, obtained from the use of this site will be accurate or reliable. Additionally, Efficient Living makes no claim that the quality of any information, products, services, or other material obtained through the use of this website will meet your expectations. All users of wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com agree that Efficient Living, its affiliated, related entities, their employees, agents or any entity or person involved in the creation, distribution and production of this website is not responsible or liable to any person or entity for any claim, damages, injury, liability, loss of any and all kinds based on or resulting from the use, attempted or actual, of this website or any linked website found on wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com.

Efficient Living and related entities shall not be liable or responsible for any claim or damage arising from any real or perceived computer virus, theft or unauthorized access to or alteration of the user’s personal records or data resulting from the use or attempted use of wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com. Use of either website is done at completely at the user’s risk and as such, the user will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer or data that may result from the use, neither actual nor attempted, of this website in any way.


If you violate our Terms and Conditions, your permission to use our website is immediately terminated and disposes of any content, personal or otherwise, for any reason at our discretion without the necessity of any prior notice or warning. Further, you agree that Efficient Living shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com.

Efficient Living reserves the right to deny access to anyone at its discretion for any reason at any time.

Privacy Policy

Registration data and certain other information about our users are subject to our Privacy Policy posted elsewhere on this site.

General Information

All users of wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com agree to defend and hold harmless Efficient Living and its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, licensors, officers, providers or suppliers from and against all costs, damages, expenses and losses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from any violation by our users of our Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy or any other instructions for your consideration regarding the use of this website.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable then that provision shall be deemed separable from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the enforceability and validity of any remaining provisions.

In the event Efficient Living fails to exercise or enforce any rights or provisions of the Terms and Conditions, it will not constitute a waiver of the same. If a court or other judicial body finds or believes any provision of this Terms and Conditions to be invalid or unenforceable, said provisions will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible and the remainder of the Terms and Conditions will continue to be fully enforceable and effective.
Any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to use of wtfre.com or yourhgtv.com or its Terms and Conditions must be filed within 14 days after the offending action allegedly happened or Efficient Living will be considered cleared of any and all liability.

Efficient Living may make certain information or services available on this website that will be conditioned to additional rules, agreements or guidelines as applicable. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Efficient Living, Inc.